But, as much as the offering means, we also have a
responsibility to pray for missionaries serving overseas. Just like our mission
and outreach here in Fairburn, what they can accomplish is directly dependent
on the hand of God to move. Next week is the SBC week of prayer for
International missionaries. Please join us in praying over these people who
serve God in lands we may never see. Here are some ways you can be involved in
praying for them as you seek to give to the LMCO:
- Pray for the Spirit of God to open the eyes of the people in the nations. 2 Corinthians 4:4 reveals that Satan, the god of this world, “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the gospel of the glory of Christ, Who is the image of God” (CSB). It is our responsibility in praying for international missions that the Holy Spirit of God would open these eyes that are blind.
- Pray for the physical protection of our missionaries. In many regards, martyrdom is a beautiful sign of faithfulness and has often times opened large doors for the Gospel to reach a people (for example, Jim Elliot). But, we also know that forces of evil will attempt to stop the spread of the Gospel. Pray that God would hold our missionaries in safety as they proclaim the work of Christ among the nations.
- Pray for missionaries by name. While the IMB does a very good job protecting the identity of its missionaries, especially those who are in closed or high risk nations, many missionaries provide prayer cards for their family and their region. Perhaps you need a name, contact me and I will direct you to people for whom you can directly pray.
- Pray for people groups and nations. If you were to go to IMB.org and click on the tab that says “Get Involved”, you will find a daily prayer that highlights some aspect of the IMB mission AND a prayer list that highlights different people groups that we are trying to reach. Both of these resources give you a particular way to be in prayer for missions in these areas.
- Pray for political clemency for our missionaries. You would not be surprised at how often the political world where our missionaries serve affect their ability to proclaim the Gospel. I know of a missionary family who would literally have to reapply for a visa every 90 days. That meant leaving their city and everything behind every three months, unsure if they would be approved to return! We aren’t asking for favoritism, but for an unhindered ability to share the Good News.
- Pray for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. This offering goes directly to support international missionaries. It doesn’t stay in America. It doesn’t stay in our church. It goes. Jesus commanded us to go, and this offering goes for us! The national goal this year is $160 million. Or, to put it another way, the yearly cost of sending for roughly 3020 missionaries. Our church goal is $17,500, or 1/3 of the cost to send a missionary for one year. The IMB sends around 3800 missionaries each year, so this national goal would nearly cover the entire cost.
- Join in the IMB Week of Prayer. I would encourage you all to consider going to the IMB website and praying each day next week for the items they have listed. I will post a facebook link each day beginning Sunday, but if you are interested in checking it out yourself: https://www.imb.org/lottie-moon-christmas-offering
We serve a mighty God who has sent His people all over the
globe. We will proclaim His Gospel until He returns. Join me in prayer for
those who have been sent this week!
See you Sunday at FBC Fairburn!
Pastor Evan
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