Why We Need Revival Pt 2

I had a great lunch yesterday with Delano McMinn discussing church and ministry. It is always great to have someone with many years of ministry experience and walking with God that your can draw from as a young pastor. As we sat talking, he made a comment about the looming difficulty of pastoring amid the current societal terrain. The difficulty is only compounded by church after church looking like the world around them.

In Lamentations 1, we find that has been the problem and history of Jerusalem, leading to her destruction. Verse 2 is particularly telling when Jeremiah describes how Jerusalem sits in lonely shame because where she tried to run with the world, the world took what it wanted and left her with the guilt and shame. Let's make no mistake about the words that Jeremiah uses to describe what has happened. It is a vivid image of a young lady who thought she would find fulfillment and acceptance from whatever man would show her attention, so she gave him what he wanted and he left as soon as he got it. Now, he has gone about other pursuits and she bears the shame. Kinda unfair, right?

Here's the reality of the situation: the church is that young lady. I know, I know...it is a tough pill to swallow, but that's why we need revival. Let's ask some honest questions. Do our priorities look any different than our friends who do not know Christ? Do we teach our kids to be socially acceptable or living sacrifices before God (Rom 12:1-2)? Is our view of success defined by Wall Street or the Word of God? Do we think these questions are unfair?

I believe that we all need revival...you, me, our church. I believe that Anderson has a desperate need for revival to breakout at Hopewell. I believe that the church in America sits lonely and empty because we forsook godliness for comfort, holiness for happiness, sanctification for acceptance. What we have forgotten that we have been accepted by God and that He has more for us than the world could ever offer. There is no shame in realizing our worldliness as long as we take it to the Cross of Christ when we become aware of its presence in our lives and in our church.

Guess what...when revival does breakout (and I believe it will), you will not miss the mirage of the world and all it claims to offer. Therefore, "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matt 6:33). Pray for revival...we need it.
