In case you read that wrong, I am not specifically talking
to you. I mean, I am, but I am not. I want you to see that you and I need God.
Right now. Right where you sit or stand. Right where you are reading this.
So, God, we need You! All of us need You!
Please join me in that prayer. Go ahead…
See, we are about to embark on some new ventures and the
summer is getting ready to blast into warp speed before you know it. Actually,
it already has since our youth are away at Snowbird for camp. And that is why
we need God. Feel free to pray again now.
That is exactly what this is. It is a call to prayer. Not
just a blessing. Not just an agenda laden, one-sided, throw Jesus’ name at the
end to holy-fy our wants conversation. Desperately and earnestly seeking the
face of the Lord our God. Asking Him to carry us. Calling on Him to guide us.
Begging Him to use us to reach the lost. Seeking Him as we empty ourselves of
us. Go ahead, you can pray again now for that.
Saturday kicks off a prayer focus for Missions Week at FBC
Fairburn. We are asking that you join us in prayer, make time to come to the church
for prayer, and cover our mission focus in prayer. As we embark on this journey
into Fairburn, Austell, and to NAMB church plants around Atlanta, we need God
to cover us and use us for His glory. That doesn’t start when we get there. It
starts now as we prepare. That is why I am calling you to pray with us.

We have VBS hitting the playing field during the last week
of June. I believe that it is a great opportunity to reach kids in our
community with the Gospel and to open the door to their families. If we are not
praying now for God to redeem lost souls that week, starting the week of will
be too late. We need Him now for then!
After that we have Music Camp in July. Last year we had 85
kids. This year it could be more as we build and grow. This isn’t just a music
thing. This is a Gospel thing. Think with me about this…85+ kids on our campus,
in our buildings, with our people learning music AND hearing about the love of
God in Christ Jesus…ALL DAY FOR A WEEK! Surely you can see why this needs to be
covered in prayer now!
We barely get a rest from music camp and our team of nearly
20 will be on the road to Pittsburgh. Yes, missions in another city! Many of
you have been on this trip and seen our partnership with Josh Tancordo and
Redeeming Grace Church. This year will be different as they transition to a new
facility, which means there are many new opportunities to assist them in
reaching new areas of Pittsburgh. Believe me, missions is a work of God. Therefore,
missions is a prayer thing! We need God!

Church, we must be a people of prayer. You depend on it.
Your family depends on it. Our church depends on it. Fairburn depends on it.
God, we need You!
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Hey! I want to hear from you. Let's bridge dialogue as followers of Christ and not followers of the world. I am eager to see how we can grow together!