Funny how one little two letter word makes a big difference,
right? Some of you read the title and thought of King Arthur (no, not Arthur
Edgar!) and his knights. Legend holds that Arthur, King of Wales, held a court
of knights around a round table. Only the most valiant of knights were given
seat in this hallowed fraternity and the shape of the table gives us reason
why. You see, a round table has no head and, therefore, communicates equality
among those who have gathered. For Arthur, these were the men he could trust in
his greatest battles.
That image is what carries us to Midweek @ FBC Fairburn.
When you are growing in your faith in Christ, who is there? When you are
struggling in life, where do you turn? On your highest days, with whom do you
celebrate? When you have a question about the Bible or about God or about
spirituality, who is there to answer?
Some of you have definite answers to these questions and
that is GREAT!
Some of you have a possibility or two depending on which of
the above questions you are answering. That is okay. We want to help you make
that answer solid.
Some of you have no idea. It is okay to have no idea, so
long as you don’t stay there. This is meant to make the necessary connections
for you.
This is what Roundtable is all about. You and I need those
people in our lives. You and I need TO BE THOSE PEOPLE in someone else’s life.
We have made a commitment to one another as members of FBC Fairburn
to bear one another’s burdens and to grow together in Christ. It is one of the
basic functions of membership in our family. So, let us take a new opportunity
to make that bond stronger.
You may be wondering what we will do during Roundtable. The
two primary functions are to make disciples and build relationships. Growing
together as we grow in Christ. It will take the flexibility and relational
dynamics of having a small group and combine them with the context of the
larger body of Christ. It will allow table leaders to focus on building
relationships without having to come up with a new lesson and will allow the
members of each table a weekly opportunity to talk about what God is doing in
their lives in the context of a Bible study.
Each week we will gather around the tables in our fellowship
hall…yes, they are round! After prayer, we will all hear the same 15-18 minute teaching
from the Bible that either Pastor Deris or I will lead. We will work through 1 and
2 Peter this year. Then, each table leader will begin discussion with their table
about how that passage of Scripture applies to us. No, the table leader will
not be teaching. We will have the same questions at each table to begin the
discussion time. As the Holy Spirit leads, other questions may be discussed,
but that is not a responsibility or requirement for anyone to take on in
preparation. Yes, it is certainly okay to read ahead and prepare in your heart
what God’s Word is prompting you to discover. At 7:28, I will give the two
minute warning and then have a short dismissal prayer at 7:30. If your table is
still elbows deep in discussion, keep going! Other tables may be finished and
can go ahead and leave.
Our primary focus for discussion will center around at least
one of three thing each week: What promise did God make to us in this passage?
What command did God give me in this passage? What does this passage teach me
about who I am? You will not believe the encouragement you can get AND give exploring
these questions with other followers of Christ.
I want to encourage you to clear your midweek and join us at
6:30 starting September 5. This is for all of us to grow together. We need each
other. We need your experience in church and with God. We need your struggles
and your victories. We need your friendship and family bond. We need your
perspective and your input. We grow together best when we are all together.
Maybe it has been a few years since you have been to church for
midweek, please come and connect again. Maybe you don’t like to talk much, please
join us and make a connection or two. Maybe you just aren’t sure, can I ask you
to give it 8 weeks? 8 weeks is all I am asking you to try. If you don’t connect
with someone or don’t see how your faith is challenged and your spiritual
growth is enhanced, then I will leave you alone about it.
Above all, please pray. We don’t want this to be just
another church thing. We desire to see God’s hand move in us as we seek His
face through His Word together. We want to see disciples made as we learn new
ways to love one another.
See you September 5.
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Hey! I want to hear from you. Let's bridge dialogue as followers of Christ and not followers of the world. I am eager to see how we can grow together!